Children’s Books

We are collecting children’s books, for ages 10 and younger, for children in Cambodia. Emma Wright, from Danville, is a missionary with the “Remember Nu” program (see below) and will speak at our January 27th worship service about her task of teaching children English. Knowing English guarantees employment for these…

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“Blue Christmas”

Christmas can be a painful time for some.  Grief, illness, depression, loneliness, and loss are magnified during the holiday season.  Perhaps you or someone you know may be suffering.  You know that they need space and time to acknowledge the sadness and concern, they need to know they are not…

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Advent at the Loda UMC

  Advent begins Sunday, December 2nd.  Please join us each Sunday at 9:15 a.m. as we celebrate this special time of the year.  Pastor Rachel will share lessons leading up the birth of Jesus, we will sing carols, and the choir will perform special selections.  Our choir will present a…

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The Women’s Fellowship Secret Outing!

On October 11, 2018, a group of women set off on a secret adventure!  One person, the organizer, knew where they were going and Bloomington, IL was their destination.  After a wonderful dinner at Epiphany Farms Restaurant, they attended the comedic performance of Jeanne Robertson (center) at the Bloomington Center for the Performing…

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