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200 S. Locust (corner of Locust and Jackson) Street - Loda, Illinois

Sunday Worship Service at 9:15 a.m.

Sunday School for all ages at 11:00 a.m.

We welcome everyone to our services!


The Loda UMC is a satellite location for the Iroquois Mental Health Clinic. If you or you know of someone who seeks services from IMHC and are unable or reluctant to drive to Watseka, you may make appointments to receive services in Loda. Call 815.432.5241, extension 256, to speak to Amy for more information.


We are very blessed to have Annette Campbell and Don Peterson as our musicians during Sunday Worship Service. You may enjoy their talents by going into the "Worship" tab on the top menu bar and click on "Recent Sermons". There you will find "Offertory Music" and "Special Music" for your listening pleasure.


A community service is being offered by the Loda UMC in collaboration with Christ Lutheran High School.

Lunch time meals can be delivered to the home bound of Loda Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week.


Meals are prepared by the Cissna Park Dairy Queen, the cost is $4.00 per meal, with deliveries after 11:30 a.m.  For more information and a monthly menu, please call 386.2237.

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