Book Collection!


  1.  Our book collection has been very successful!  Thank you to all you have contributed.  If you’d still like to help with this project, we are accepting monetary donations for shipping costs.  Contact our office at 217.386.2237 if you’d like to make a donation.
  2. Emma Wright will be our guest speaker this Sunday, January 27th, at  9:15 a.m. Please join us for an enriching and inspiring service.

We are collecting children’s books, for ages 10 and younger, for children in Cambodia. Emma Wright, from Danville, is a missionary with the “Remember Nu” program (see below) and will speak at our January 27th worship service about her task of teaching children English. Knowing English guarantees employment for these children and eliminates their “at-risk” status. Emma will use children’s books, in English, as part of her lessons. Books may be new or gently used and can be dropped off at church or brought to a 9:15 a.m. worship service. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 386.2237. Thank you!

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