After conversations with several of our church leaders, we have decided that Loda UMC will not hold worship services this Sunday, March 15.
We do not take this step lightly.
Looking at who are most at risk for Covid-19 (those over 60 and those with underlying medical conditions), we realize that is by far the majority of our worshiping community. It is from an abundance of caution and care for our church family that we made this decision.
If, in a few weeks, this proves to have been too cautious, you are free to tell me, “I told you so!” I would rather err on the side of caution then look back with regret that we did not respond soon enough.
We are cancelling both worship and the men’s breakfast scheduled for tomorrow. No decisions have been made regarding future worship services, Bible 101, the Lenten study or choir practice. Watch for an email, our Facebook page and web site for updates.
We will be looking at ways to stay in touch with each other. Please let Pastor Rachel know if you have needs we might help meet. And bear with us as we live in to these unprecedented times.
In Christ’s love and my own,
Pastor Rachel